Tuesday, December 16, 2008

To satisfy your morbid curiosity

Here's a link to the final results of the triathlon on Sunday. As I said, my only goal was to finish, so the time is irrelevant to me. You can see by the results that there were a few people behind me, and many, many people ahead of me.

I finished behind 12-year-olds, physically challenged athletes and the elderly. Those finishing behind me included people my age running with their children, people my age running with their parents, and one shirtless Hawaiian dude with a long, gray ponytail who must have gotten a late start.

But I finished, and that's what counts.


  1. To finish is awesome. Running (and walking, and almost crawling) the marathon in 2007 was one of the hardest and challenging things I have ever done. I may have gotten dusted in the last mile by a woman weighing 50 pounds more than me and the dude in bare feet in a Roman gladiator outfit finished way before me, but I finished under my own power and that means the world to me.

  2. Don Ali, on behalf of your former PBM coworkers here in the bitterly cold fly over states, CONGRATS! (This is Simpson by the way.)

  3. Way to go!! Contratulations. Marg
