Tuesday, February 19, 2008

More e-bola frustration

I'm starting to think that there's a lot more to this virus than meets the eye. It seems like everybody I talk to either knows somebody who had it, or had it themselves and are still shaking off the effects.

As I mentioned yesterday, when I called the doctor's office, the receptionist told me that one of their doctors had it for three weeks. Tonight at the kid's soccer practice, two of the moms confided that they had it as well. One said she was in bed for a week, while the other said the doctors told her this thing has been known to linger for four to six weeks!

I just can't get over the idea that there's nothing you can do for this -- that medical professionals are basically throwing their hands in the air and surrendering. I know, it's a virus, but still ... this is a bit ominous. I don't want to get all sci-fi on you, but if this is the future we're facing -- crazy-ass new viruses that drag you down for six weeks -- I'm not sure I want to be a part of it. It won't be long before I turn into another Howie Mandell, wearing a surgical mask 24/7 and washing my hands 12 times an hour.

All I can say is that right now, it's ugly.

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