After three days of chills, fever, aches, exhaustion, a hacking cough, a tight chest and a sore throat (I think that's all), I was finally able to get up and check my e-mail, do a little writing and update the blog. I'm not back to full speed yet -- my energy comes and goes, and I still get frequent unwelcome visits from the disgusting little guy on the right.
(By the way, I still say if Mucinex is going to gross us out with their ads, they owe us a spot that ends with the green Archie Bunker phlegm guy lying in the gutter, where he usually ends up in real life. Just sayin' ...)
So, no Monday Morning Meltdown this week, but I'll make it up to you with double the usual posts the rest of the week. So you've got that going for you ... which is nice.
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