I wish I liked this album more -- I really do. Because I like what the Raveonettes have contributed to the musical scene over the last five years or so. Very cool, retro stylings in both their music and their album artwork, which I think is a subtlety so often overlooked in the digital age. A couple of great, catchy singles on each of their last two albums -- "That Great Love Sound" and "Love in a Trashcan" rising above the rest.
But "
Lust Lust Lust" just didn't cut it for me. The music all seemed to blend together, with no great standout tracks to catch my ear. Maybe it's not that different from their other work, and I've just reached my own personal tipping point with their music. I could listen to that argument. But honestly, I just don't see it approaching their past two albums in either creativity or quality.
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