Except finally, I have something to write about -- something that actually happened, right here in Henderson! On Saturday night, my friend Spencer and his wife Kate held a house party to celebrate their 10th year here in the valley. They live in a cozy, typically suburban neighborhood of Henderson called Anthem. Now, before you say, "What's the big deal about a house party?" let me point out that they actually had a live band, right there in the living room of their typically suburban home in their typically suburban neighborhood.
And it wasn't just any band, either. No, it wasn't The Killers, but an up-and-coming young Vegas band called A Crowd of Small Adventures. I had heard about them because Spencer wrote a pretty cool article about them in the Weekly last fall, so it was a pleasant surprise to get a chance to see them up close and personal -- like, very up close and personal. It was kind of like a show at the Entry, minus the spilled beer on the floor, the mysterious gunk dangling from the ceiling and the drunk guy screaming in the back of the room.
Oh, and he had a keg of Fat Tire out back. What more could a guy want?
I liked the music -- they have a cool 80s rock sound, with a violin thrown in for good measure. I told Spencer afterwards that it sounded like the soundtrack to a John Hughes movie, in a good way. I think these guys are going somewhere. This could be a chance for me to say, "I saw them before they made it big."
In honor of the party, check out their My Space page (link above) and read the article Spencer wrote that got the ball rolling.
I'm so excited! Something happened in Henderson!
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