Fear not. Those of you who are of the married persuasion, take this tip: sign up for a Marriage Encounter weekend. Allow me to be serious for a moment here. Mrs. Gopher and I made a weekend two years ago and it changed our marriage. We always thought we had a good marriage, and we did -- but as they say at ME, why settle for a good marriage when you can have a great marriage?
We enjoyed it so much, in fact, that we joined the local community and became a presenting couple. We just gave our first weekend, and it was another amazing experience.
As you'll note from the cross in the logo above, it's a Christian organization, although couples from all faiths (or even no faith) are welcome. It's not about indoctrination or evangelization -- it's all about you and your spouse rediscovering that spark that brought you together in the first place.
The link above takes you to the WWME web site, where you can find information on local chapters in your area. If there isn't a group close to where you're living, come on out to Vegas and join us for one of our upcoming weekends. Trust me, your wife will love you for it, and you'll find something worthwhile in the experience.
Plus, it beats the heck out of a bowling ball every time.
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